
More Termite Tidbits

Life span for both types: Unknown, although termites do persist longer than most insects, which usually die within a month. Soldiers and workers live at least several years, and queens for possibly 15 years or longer.

Types: There are about 50 different species of termites in North America.

Origins: Termites probably originated from cockroaches, their closest insect relatives.

In nature: Termites are beneficial because they recycle nutrients from decayed wood back into the soil.

Communication: Termites communicate by secreting chemicals called pheromones. If a worker finds a new food source, it leaves a chemical trail for others to follow.


Distinguishing features: Winged reproductive termites, often mistaken for ants, are distinguished from ants by their broad waists, veined wings and straight antennae.

Favorite food: Cellulose, found in wood, grass and leaves.


Sources: U.S. Forest Service, Ohio State University Extension, Collier’s Encyclopedia, UC Berkeley entomologist Vernard Lewis, UC Riverside entomologist Michael Rust.
