
Insurer Hires Animal Actuary

Marc Ballon covers small business and entrepreneurial issues for The Times. He can be reached at (714) 966-7439 and at [email protected]

Veterinary Pet Insurance Co. in Anaheim, the nation’s oldest and largest pet medical insurance provider, has hired the country’s first pet actuary.

Phil Panther, an actuarial assistant at National Casualty Co., Veterinary’s underwriter, will sift through reams of data and past claims to help Veterinary refine its rates, he said.

At present, insurance premiums for dogs and cats are based only on their ages. But analyzing data will allow Veterinary to take such things as breeds and home states into account, Veterinary Chief Executive Jack Stephens said.


“Maybe certain areas are costing the company more and should have higher premiums, while other areas should have discounts,” he said.

Founded in 1982, Veterinary has processed nearly 1 million accident and illness claims. The company sells traditional pet policies for dogs and cats throughout the country.
