
Grant Sought to Link Agency Computers

Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley) has asked the Department of Justice to approve a $1-million federal grant to help pay for a computer system that will allow the county’s law enforcement agencies to quickly share information.

The county is installing a network of computers used by the Sheriff’s Department, the courts, probation, district attorney and public defender’s offices at an estimated cost of up to $11 million.

The system replaces outdated computers that have no capacity to efficiently share information such as inmate records. Proponents say the new network, called the Integrated Justice Information System, will improve the exchange of records and cut down on paperwork, freeing up officers to patrol the streets.


In April, the county received a $4.3-million federal grant to help defray the cost, said Tom Pfeifer, a Gallegly spokesman. If the Department of Justice funds are approved, the county will receive the additional $1 million next spring, Pfeifer said.
