
Schools to Observe Anti-Drug Effort

A national campaign empowering youths to lead positive drug-free lives will be observed at schools throughout the county next week.

The Ventura Unified School District’s board recently approved a proclamation that supports Red Ribbon Week and encourages students, faculty and community members to participate in activities marking the campaign.

The weeklong observance will begin Monday and be held at schools countywide.

Red Ribbon Week is designed to show students at every level the adverse impact drugs and alcohol can have on their lives. In past years, students have pinned ribbons to their backpacks to show support for the campaign.


Red Ribbon Week started in 1985 to commemorate the efforts of Drug Enforcement Agent Enrique Camerena, who was killed by drug traffickers in Mexico.

The week is geared to combat the cool image that smoking, drinking and taking drugs has for young people.
