
Hernandez No Victim

I want Antonia Hernandez to stop speaking for me about our attitudes toward the racial questions we all must face daily (“The Advocate,” by Jocelyn Y. Stewart, Sept. 12). Hernandez is part of the past. You gotta get with the future.

I am opposed to Her-nandez and her quest to end her so-called social oppression. She is definitely not a victim; rather, she is one of the fortunate ones, one of America’s favored. She’s had opportunities for all things--and I hope not at the expense of the less fortunate millions she claims to represent.

David Mesa



How can a lady with a six-figure income, a white husband, a batch of kids in private school and a law education made available by laughable affirmative-action quotas have the right to speak for the Latin community?


If this is the best leadership Latinos can muster, we’d better be prepared for another host of defeats like Propositions 187, 209 and 227.

James Bargelt

Van Nuys
