
River Trail Riders

Re “River Trail Safety, Etiquette,” Ventura County letters, Oct. 17.

Applause to the mayor and City Council who got the Ventura River Trail built. Applause also to the event marking the opening of the bike path. But keep your hands on your handlebars for the bicyclists who miss the point of the new trail.

Melissa Romero writes to the editor of this paper, as any serious bicyclist will tell you, bicycling on the Ojai Valley Trail is anything but safe and comfortable. She says she finds herself in some sort of dangerous or uncomfortable situation almost every time she rides the trail. She would be well-advised to remember that the trails are not designed for racers riding personal time trials.

I’m a serious bicyclist and ride both the Ventura River Trail and the Ojai Valley Trail several times a week. Yes, I must stop occasionally for families spread out across the paths. And coming up on two or three bicyclists riding alongside each other is frustrating. But the purpose of the trails is to get people off their backsides, out of their cars and onto their bikes. I’ll put up with the minor inconvenience of a parent and child out having a good time. I’m happy that Mom and/or Dad are spending some quality time with the kids. I’m happier still when the parents are wearing helmets, as their children are required to do.


How often did Ms. Romero ride Ventura Avenue from Foster Park on her way to the beach before the trail was completed? If she seriously believes fighting that kind of traffic is safer than negotiating a few slow riders on the trails, good luck to her. I just hope she’s wearing a helmet, too.


