
Say ‘Aaah’ : Vitals : Thrills That Kill

A spate of recent injuries and deaths at the nation’s amusement parks has prompted calls for mandatory ride inspections.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says 47 people have died in accidents involving rides during the last 12 years at carnivals and amusement parks. Thirteen deaths occurred on roller coasters. The following information excludes four deaths reported since June, including one in which a 12-year-old boy fell to his death at Paramount’s Great America in Santa Clara. A California Senate committee recently voted for mandatory inspections of amusement park rides.

Deaths Linked to Amusement Rides 1987 through June 1999

Type of Ride

Bumper Boat (water): 1

Capsule: 1

Ferris Wheel: 2

Log Ride (water): 4

Roller Coaster: 11

Sleigh Ride: 1

Train: 3

Whirling Ride: 10

Unknown: 10
