
Company Town : Video View

Digital videodisc sales so far this year total 10.1 million units, with 324,000 sold the week ending Aug. 29. DVD market share through Aug. 29 and the current top selling disc for each company.

Company: Warner Home Video*

Share: 28.7%, Analyze This

New Line: 7.7%, Blade


Company: Buena Vista

Share: 12.4%, Shakespeare in Love


Company: Columbia

Share: 10.5%, Go


Company: Universal Home Video

Share: 9.2%, EdTV


Company: Paramount Home Video

Share: 7.7%, Payback


Company: Fox

Share: 5.8%, There’s Something About Mary


Company: MGM

Share: 5.0%, Mod Squad


Company: Artisan**

Share: 3.3%, Total Recall


Company: Image

Share: 3.2, Dances With Wolves

*Includes HBO, Tuner, New Line and Warner Vision

**Includes Hallmark and Republic

Source: VideoScan
