
Cool-a-Coo Follows Rams, Raiders

During a break in a tied game between the Dodgers and Phillies, I discovered Mary Melton’s Cool-a-Coo article (“Cool-a-Coo, Where Are You?” So SoCal, Aug. 15). I took particular note of Leo Politis’ comment that Rupert Murdoch “wants to make money from everybody.” Have we learned nothing from the Ram, Raider and Dodger fiascos?

If any NFL owners are seen in or near Los Angeles, let’s have them arrested for attempted robbery. No more public money for these greedy robber barons.

John Connolly

Long Beach


Adieu, Cool-a-Coo, adieu.

Your days at the ballpark are through.

Your departure has occurred at great cost.

Far more than just dessert has been lost.

At those afternoon games in the hot August sun,

When our chance for a pennant was gone,

You allowed us to daydream and smile.

We forgot about the standings for a while.

We dreamed of the future and promising rookies

As we savored our chocolate and ice cream and cookies.

Why, I know of a fan who is keeping a list

Of the bygones of baseball he sorely has missed.

And Cool-a-Coo ice cream is nearly Number One.

It’s in second place, behind Gibson’s home run.

So forgive us, Boys of Summer, if we fans start to boo.

We’re lamenting our loss; we’re not criticizing you.

We’re optimistic about next year, but we’re melancholy, too.

Adieu, Cool-a-Coo, adieu.

Brian Cuff

Long Beach
