
Loving Parents Are Found in Every Orientation

After reading the letters from the Ritchies and Robert Varela in the Letters section Sept. 20, regarding your article “Doubly Devoted” (Sept. 12), I was not surprised to see them vehemently state that they are Christians. Why does it seem that Christianity and homophobic attitudes go hand in hand? Granted, I am not condemning the majority of churchgoers who are probably caring and loving people, but too often people use their religion as a means of denouncing any other way of life as an abomination.

That some people cannot see the love and closeness that emanated from these families in the article speaks volumes about their lack of compassion and tolerance.




These letter writers call gay parents “selfish.” Considering that biology has spared homosexuals from having to deal with accidental or unwanted pregnancies, for gay couples to go out of their way to have children is anything but selfish. Some writers claimed concern for the children of gay parents who must “suffer mental and verbal abuse”; they were not honest enough to add, “from people like us.”





The most basic of Christian rules is Love Thy Neighbor, and so it always amazes me how many people calling themselves Christians feel it is their duty and not God’s to sit in judgment of others. Whatever happened to “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”? Clean up your own self-righteous backyards and leave other people alone.


Via e-mail


I am simply disgusted with the continual portrayal of the gay lifestyle as a legitimate and normal lifestyle. As the father of three daughters, I usually try to overlook the fact that such articles on “alternative” lifestyles are acceptable in the L.A. area, but far outside the interests of families attempting to raise their children in such a hostile environment. This article pushes me close to canceling my subscription, as I no longer want to see such articles.


Via e-mail

Letters, including those by e-mail, should be brief and must include the writer’s name, address and phone number. No pseudonyms. Mail to Letters in SoCal Living, L.A. Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053, or e-mail to [email protected]. Letters also may be faxed: (213) 237-7630.
