
More Things a Good Angeleno Should Know

To the list of names that the competent Angeleno should be able to pronounce (“Know Thy City,” Sept. 14), I would add Sepulveda. (I was shocked when an out-of-town visitor mispronounced it with the accent on the third syllable--se-puhl-VEE-da.)

Also, a competent Angeleno knows that in the unlikely event one is a pedestrian, one stands on the corner until the “Walk” signal appears.

Finally, a competent Angeleno knows that freeways are referred to as “the,” followed by the number. (My friends from back East think it’s so funny that we talk about “taking the 10 to the 405,” when they would say, “Head east on 10, then north on 405.”



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A competent Angeleno should be able to identify different colors of a sunset by the pollutants contained within.


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