
Latino Youth Center Gets $12,500 Grant

El Centrito de La Colonia, a bilingual community center that targets disadvantaged youth, has received a $12,500 grant from Ventura County Community Foundation’s Destino 2000: Hispanic Legacy Fund to support two programs to encourage future leaders.

The Oxnard-based center will hold a 10-week Latina leadership workshop to help young women develop decision-making skills, and its youth leadership group will focus on career exploration, planning and communication skills, community service and leadership development.

“These funds allow us to continue to provide a much-needed service,” said Peter Favero, El Centrito’s president. “We are looking for ways to expand our services to teens in all aspects of our programs.”


Established in 1992, El Centrito has provided services to more than 1,000 Latinos, more than 75% of them under 18. The organization’s headquarters are in the Police Athletic League facilities at the old Oxnard High School.

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