
At Least Baseball Didn’t Open Season in Japan

Ah, opening day. The smell of freshly cut artificial turf, the gentle breeze of the air conditioning, the bright artificial lights. The perfect atmosphere to enjoy a beer and escargot. Oui, it’s opening day in Quebec. I love L.A.


West Hills


There can’t be much joy in Dalyville. It’s bad enough starting the season 2-2 against the Expos, who finished 35 games out in the NL East last year, but the way the Dodgers did it was darkly foreboding.

They scored 28 runs, but pitching is the name of the game. After facing the mediocre Expos, the earned-run averages of the Dodgers’ first four starters are 4.50, 6.00, 7.20 and 15.42. Perhaps even scarier is that their multimillion-dollar closer blew his save opportunity and the game, failing to get anyone out. It doesn’t get any worse than an ERA of infinity. Add to those bad omens the failure of the new second baseman to make the crucial play and the shelling of their only left-handed reliever.


We know Kevin Brown is as competitive a pitcher as there is, and Jeff Shaw will get someone out. However, Chan Ho Park has apparently turned into some kind of head case, Orel Hershiser is 41 years old and Carlos Perez is, well, Carlos Perez. If the Dodger brass isn’t worried, they should be.


Santa Barbara


No restrooms in the new luxury suites at Dodger Stadium? I guess the rich really are different.


Temple City
