
Rewriting Bill Names

* Re “Bill to Erase Robbins’ Name OKd,” Aug. 8, Assemblyman Lou Papan (D-Millbrae) should get with the times. Revisionist historians went out with the old Soviet Union. It’s true that former state Sen. Alan Robbins “did the crime and served the time,” but he also authored significant legislation that bears his name. Papan should drop his efforts to strip Robbins’ name from those laws.

Robbins is yesterday’s news. Of concern today are the countless politicians (of both political parties) who accept special-interest money. They duly report the contributions, then vote for legislation favoring their donors, all while denying (wink, wink) any quid pro quo. Our current system of financing political campaigns amounts to legalized bribery. Assemblyman Papan, look in the mirror. Politicians, heal thyselves.


Calabasas Park
