
Nader on State’s Electric Rates

Re “Power to the People--at an Affordable Rate,” Commentary, Aug. 14: I was just about to “fall on my sword” because President Clinton will be leaving. Then I started to listen to Ralph Nader and liked what I was hearing and reading, that is, until Monday. Never have I read such a compilation of half-truths and blatant untruths. Populist pontificating at its best!

The generation aspect is in a mess, and this has caused needless strife to customers in San Diego County and south Orange County. Nader is correct in noting that something has to be done to relieve the burden, and Gov. Gray Davis must fully address the problem. However, the reasons are far too complex to simply assign blame to greedy power companies and unscrupulous legislators.

I suggest that Nader read the text of the hundreds of hours of hearings concerning AB 1890 to ascertain the truth of what was trying to be accomplished; namely, the generation and distribution of clean, affordable energy to Californians. Deregulation required the major utilities to sell their generation stations. Sorry, Ralph, I guess I’ll stay with Al and Joe.



Alta Loma


* On Aug. 13, my boyfriend and I were at the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica when the protest parade marched through--band, puppets and all. They protested corporate profiteers--specifically the Gap. I tried to hide my Banana Republic bag and make my Nader for President button more visible.

I pondered the intent of this protest, along with others surrounding the convention. Are groups protesting to change individual minds on particular issues or to send a broader message to political leaders and the public that something is wrong? Something surely seems wrong. Rich Americans are making millions, while others can’t afford health care. I’ll vote for Nader this fall, and I try to cultivate Earth-friendly habits in my daily life. But I wasn’t out there on the street. Bravo to those who were--you are an inspiration.


