
Get Smaller Parties Into Debates

* Your coverage of the demonstrators at the opening of the Democratic National Convention (Aug. 14) virtually ignored the issues they were conveying. I marched with the Green Party contingent, which was advocating Ralph Nader’s participation in the presidential debates. All around us were peaceful, joyous representatives of other important social and political issues. We exercised our 1st Amendment rights without incident. This was a far more important part of the story than the late-hour clashes that had nothing to do with the issues at stake.

Sadly, it’s the “action” that gets the media’s attention.


Santa Monica


The Commission on Presidential Debates has set a limit on the presidential candidates who can participate in the nationally televised debates to be held this fall. A polling goal of 15% is required to be eligible, thereby excluding candidates such as Pat Buchanan and Nader from being heard.

In past debates, when third-party candidates like Ross Perot participated, the audience was alleged to be 90 million viewers, whereas half that number watched when only a Democrat and a Republican participated. The minimum percentage of 5% is all that is required for candidates and their parties to receive federal financial support. Why should not the same ratio be the guiding principle for the debates?


With the American public becoming less interested in voting, so that a minority is now going to the polls, a serious threat to our democracy is developing. Enabling third-party candidates to be heard will enliven the debates and most assuredly arouse greater interest on the part of the electorate to vote.




Re “A Surprise Pick for No. 2 on Reform Ticket,” Aug. 12: Hooray! Our American champion of American labor, small business and the middle-class productive people in our society who believe in taking care of our own first selects a running mate worthy of what America really stands for.

Pat Buchanan’s selection of Ezola Foster transcends all racial issues: She is a beautiful woman endowed with the full essence of patriotism, a word that scares the hell out of the moneyed forces in the two major parties. Her eloquence, spirit and fidelity to honest principles dovetail into the solid beliefs of her running mate. Great selection, Pat!





Re “Heirs to Perot Fighting for Money, and Survival,” Aug. 11:

So let me get this straight--Buchanan, the embodiment of a Beltway regular, staunch defender of a president who resigned to avoid certain impeachment and standard-bearer of social-issue positions that are proven losers that Perot knew to avoid, is the nominee of the Reform Party?


