
Job Fair Planned at Fallbrook Mall

As many as 20,000 people are expected to attend a job fair Saturday at the Fallbrook Mall, where more than 100 employers will be recruiting new workers.

A variety of companies--including those with jobs in retail, wholesale, assembly line and the insurance industry--will attend, as well as representatives from government, law enforcement and public safety agencies. Free seminars on topics such as resume writing and conducting an Internet job search will be given throughout the day.

Despite low unemployment, there are still plenty of Valley job seekers, said Michael Sirota, vice president of the Canoga Park/West Hills Chamber of Commerce, which is hosting the job fair with Los Angeles City Councilwoman Laura Chick and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services.


“People are trying to shop up in the job market or they’re trying to get jobs in government,” Sirota said. “They might have a job, but they’re looking for a better job to support their families.”

The job fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at Fallbrook Mall, near Mervyn’s, at 6633 Fallbrook Ave. For more information, call (818) 884-4222.
