
* “Slain Teenager Is Buried Amid Questions,”...

* “Slain Teenager Is Buried Amid Questions,” Aug. 19.

As a middle school counselor, one of the most frustrating parts of my job is dealing with parents in denial. Many parents do not realize that students in middle school and high school still need supervision because it is during those years that adolescents face decisions about tobacco, alcohol, drugs and sex.

No matter how trustworthy their teens may seem, parents should not leave town for the weekend and leave them unsupervised. Parents should not allow their children’s friends to stay overnight without a parental contact, even though the friend claims he / she has been “kicked out.”

Parents need to check their children’s rooms and cars for new belongings or large amounts of money and then seriously question their source. Most importantly, when parents do find marijuana, they shouldn’t believe the biggest lie of all, that their child is “holding it for a friend.”



Santa Clarita
