
Support for Parks, Masry Candidacies

* Re “Thousand Oaks Redevelopment Deal,” Ventura County Letters, Aug. 9.

Letter writer Jeff Alexander blasts Councilwoman Linda Parks for being the sole dissenter in the Thousand Oaks City Council decision to approve the [Rick J.] Caruso project (involving millions of dollars in developer subsidies for movie theaters and a seven-level parking structure).

The existence of dissent in the Caruso project decision is not his only gripe. He scolds Parks: “You represent the remaining roadblock to an effective and civil City Council.” It appears that Alexander would prefer a City Council with no dissenters, one that consistently and unanimously votes in accordance with his opinions.

To Mr. Alexander: You live in a country that owes its existence to dissent. Dissent is an integral part of the freedom we all enjoy. You owe your ability to write the vitriolic letter I’m responding to to the existence of freedom in this country. If you wish to escape from freedom, you should move to a country with a totalitarian form of government and leave Thousand Oaks to those of us who enjoy its natural beauty and who support Linda Parks’ dissenting voice against the council proponents of reckless environmental policy.


We have a great opportunity to strengthen and reinforce the “roadblock” to those who have worked to chop down our trees and pave our open space. We can elect two individuals with proven track records of defending the quality of life of the people.

I urge all those who are interested in preserving the beauty and character of Thousand Oaks to vote for Linda Parks and Ed Masry for City Council in November.


Thousand Oaks
