
Alberto Fujimori

President Alberto Fujimori of Peru is a dictator (“Emperor Alberto the First,” editorial, Dec. 29). He does everything and anything to assure himself of reelection in 2000, even though the constitution bans a third term. To achieve this end, he has removed three high-level judges who opposed his actions, blocked a referendum which would have denied his reelection bid and shut down Congress and the Supreme Court when their actions irritated him.

Fujimori is quiet about certain things. For instance, prison conditions in Peru are among the worst in the world. He indicates no intention to correct them. He may have brought inflation down to 6%, but he has done nothing to aid the 30 million in Peru who live in poverty.

Sadly, he will be reelected in 2000. And--he will be reelected again in 2005.




You forgot to mention that polls show Fujimori with almost 50% of the votes and a good 20%-plus over his closest rival.


Fujimori is a doer, the best president Peru has ever had, and it would be a great service to Latin American governments if they would just follow his example by focusing on problem-solving rather than politicking.


Valley Village
