
Academic Contest

What an extraordinary day Jan. 8 was! The first day of the Ventura County Academic Decathlon held at Oxnard High School was an overwhelming success. The enthusiasm of more than 200 student decathletes and coaches combined with more than 100 volunteers for the essay, interview and speech events was palpable and invigorating.

This was the largest number ever to participate in the Ventura County Academic Decathlon. Gathered together in one place were students who were raising the bar of academic excellence and community members who were raising the bar of volunteerism and support for the students.

It was gratifying to me that so many students, coaches and adult volunteers came up to offer thanks and positive comments about the day’s events. It should have been the other way around. These committed students, coaches and volunteers are the reason why the day was so successful.


The commitment to academic excellence combined with the spirit of community service help to make the Ventura County Academic Decathlon the premier academic event in the county.


Coordinator, Ventura County

Academic Decathlon

Ventura County Superintendent

of Schools Office

Letters to the Editor
