
‘Millionaire’ Show

Re Neal Gabler’s March 12 Opinion piece: Oh, the gnashing of those culturally elite teeth as the literati try to figure out the popularity of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”! Oh, the palpable anxiety within the brie and Volvo crowd as they debate the nuances of intellect, knowledge, knowingness and wisdom!

Thanks to “Who Wants to be a Millionaire,” we are treated to a rare event in America--a fund of knowledge being financially rewarded. What a joy it is to see average (working) people demonstrate what they know. IRS agents, math teachers, consultants and computer repairmen are winning millions without even submitting an NEA grant proposal!

Yes, Mr. Gabler, the “old information elite is anachronistic.” The “new information elite” plays by a different set of rules. Those rules are refreshingly simple--make a mistake and go home.



Los Angeles
