
Mural Celebrates Region’s Media Ties

The Chandler Outdoor Gallery will unveil its first mural, titled “Media Monster,” this afternoon.

Artist Robert Spiewak, a North Hollywood resident and Cal State Northridge graduate, took about a month to paint the colorful 16- by 30-foot mural on the side of a building on Chandler Boulevard, between Vineland Avenue and Cahuenga Boulevard.

A fiber optic technician for broadcast systems, Spiewak’s painting portrays Los Angeles as the broadcast metropolis of the universe with a monolithic skyline filled with broadcast iconography.


“It includes past and present communication,” said Beret Malmgren, the artist’s assistant. “He used about 10 gallons of paint and he worked on it around 250 hours.”

The Chandler Outdoor Gallery will eventually have several murals.

The idea, supported by the Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative and the Community Redevelopment Agency, is to get the community involved with improving the area struck with blight.

The reception will begin at 3 p.m. in front of the mural at 10832 Chandler Blvd.
