
Unwanted Animals

* Re “102 Ways to Be Responsible,” Sept. 3.

As an employee of an animal shelter in Los Angeles, I can say from experience that after the movie “102 Dalmatians” is released there will likely be thousands of Dalmatians abandoned over the following year or two. The real problem is not that Disney is making a cute movie about dogs, it is that the public is impulsive and irresponsible.

Dalmatians, like any other pet, are a time-consuming responsibility that costs money and patience. Before you run out and get a dog, cat or any other animal, ask yourself if you are prepared for the inconveniences that come with it. Be realistic. Most dogs and cats live 10 to 20 years. If you can’t see yourself training, feeding, loving and cleaning up after an animal for that long, don’t get one.

Most people don’t see the hundreds of innocent animals being killed every week in L.A. to make room for the newly abandoned every day. These animals are not trash to be tossed aside like an old chair, although millions in this country are treated that way. We could end all of this needless killing if people would just think before they acted. As Albert Schweitzer has said, “Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.”



Mission Hills
