
Cancer Society Opposes Measure O

The American Cancer Society announced Wednesday that it opposes Measure O, the November initiative that would allow seven private hospitals to appropriate $260 million in tobacco settlement money.

The organization believes that one of the main priorities for the funds should be tobacco education and prevention, an area the group thinks is inadequately covered by the measure, spokeswoman Helen Beebe said.

“Measure O does not provide any comprehensive tobacco control efforts to the people of Ventura County,” she said. “There is no guarantee that any funds will go toward this purpose.”


Beebe also said the society’s opposition to the measure does not mean it is backing the county Board of Supervisors, which would be responsible for designating the use of the funds if Measure O fails, but that “we support keeping the money in the public domain.”

It means “that we need active advocacy groups working with the Board of Supervisors to assure valid use of these dollars toward tobacco control and other health-care needs,” she said.
