
Jason Lee

* The actor plays the lead singer of the band Stillwater in the film "Almost Famous" and has also appeared in "Dogma," "Chasing Amy" and "Enemy of the State."

Magical Music Hours: I don’t go out much--like to bars with friends. My wife, Carmen [Llywellyn Lee] might go out on a Friday night with her friends. I’ll be at home in my recording studio working on music. If I have a choice between a crowded bar and working on music, the choice is obvious for me.

Saturday Driver: Saturday during the day, we always take drives. We like to go to this place called Dagwood’s on Wilshire Boulevard in Santa Monica to get pizza and subs and stuff. Since we live on Wilshire near downtown, we take Wilshire all the way. Driving is just a way of being outside, and it becomes an activity all its own. We really want to buy a house, so we’ll drive around and look at open houses. And I have that new Honda roadster, the S2000, so I’ll take that out every once in a while.

Another Spin: On Saturday, we’ll probably also go to the movies, see our friends and stop off at a record store and buy records. I’ve been collecting vinyl for a while. I’ll talk my wife into letting me do that for an hour at Moby Disk, Vinyl Fetish or Record Surplus. There’s a big selection of jazz and spoken word at Record Surplus--stuff that’s great for sampling.


Paint the Town: On Sunday, we might go to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, where we’re members, or to the Getty. We used to go to LACMA on Friday nights where you can sit outside and the jazz bands play. And the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena also has a really great collection. I’m also really into architecture. My favorite architects are Henry and Charles Greene and Frank Lloyd Wright. We’ve been to the Gamble House, where you can get a tour and then go into the book store and get a map of Pasadena and drive around the streets and see these houses.
