
Israeli Settler Convoy Reportedly Comes Under Bomb Attack

Associated Press

Two roadside bombs exploded next to a convoy of Jewish settlers in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, a settlement leader said. Channel 2 television reported that two soldiers were wounded, one seriously.

The convoy was accompanied by Israeli military vehicles and heading for the isolated settlement of Netzarim, said Netzarim spokesman Shlomo Kostiner.

Netzarim and the road leading to it through the Palestinian-controlled Gaza Strip have been continual flash points, with assailants attacking vehicles with firebombs and rocks.


Kostiner said the convoy was making a routine trip when two bombs exploded nearby and the vehicles were fired on. The TV report said one of the two injured soldiers suffered a head injury. The Israeli military refused to comment.

Shlomit Ziv, a settler at Netzarim, said a fellow settler was slightly injured in the attack.
