
Taxing Gratitude

Although I’m a Democrat, I’m not complaining about the tax rebate. I got mine and I’ll be enjoying it every bit as much as Virginia Bloch of Moreno Valley (letter, Aug 2). Thank you, Mr. President, and all you children, grandchildren (including Bloch’s young grandson) and great-grandchildren who’ll be picking up the bill.

Gordon H. Marion

Hacienda Heights

I just received the good news that I will be receiving a tax rebate from the federal government, courtesy of George W. Bush. The amount is a whopping $6.10. Let’s see, I can buy a tuna sandwich for lunch. Of course, I’ll have to spring for the beverage. I guess that’s what Bush means by “compassionate conservative.” The sandwich is compassionate and the drink is conservative. Thank you, President Bush. I think.

Fredric Cooper

Los Angeles
