
Garden Jobs

Divide iris. If you have crowded clumps of bearded iris that don’t bloom as they used to, dig and divide them now while they are resting (they need dividing every three to five years). Toss out old, shriveled tubers and space the fat and healthy ones about 6 inches apart in clumps of three. Space clumps of three about 12 to 18 inches apart. Trim leaves and roots to 6 inches long, and plant so the top of the tubers are buried about half an inch below the soil. Water them regularly (but don’t keep them soggy wet) and they will grow this fall and bloom next spring.

* Plant or sow vegetables. The summer harvest should continue for another month or more, but some things have already finished. Fill vacant spots with year-round plants such as beets, carrots, chard and radishes, though even these may need help germinating in the heat.

Shade seed with window screening or cheesecloth, or even newspaper. To keep seed moist and help it sprout, sprinkle as often as two to three times a day. Once sprouted, these vegetables will grow fine in the heat.


Sow seed of fall and winter cole crops such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts in packs or flats for later transplanting into the garden. Keep seed moist and in partial shade, and it will sprout in record time.
