
Ashcroft Is Doing ‘What Is Needed’

After reading criticism of Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft in both the letters (Dec. 10) and editorial sections, I can only respond by saying that there is nothing wrong with these people that four years in the Marine Corps wouldn’t correct! Ashcroft is doing exactly what is needed, and without these actions we would probably have been hit with more terrorist attacks.

Norman Heath



Our attorney general is acting more like an attorney “selective” as he defends the suspension of rights trampled by his counter-terrorism tactics but steadfastly resists investigating gun sales to terrorists (Dec. 7). Most Americans are willing to take the risk of temporarily giving up some of our hard-won protections of individual freedom in the name of homeland security. Unfortunately, Ashcroft is not. Such partisan political stances in the face of a national emergency will only come back to haunt President Bush. He should know better, given what happened to his father’s seemingly unbeatable wartime administration.

Jeffrey Webster

Huntington Beach


Hey, what’s all the fuss about Herr Ashcroft?

Len Thornback

