
The Dead

This is a list of names added to the total of confirmed dead in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. There are no new names this week from the attack on the Pentagon. The list, released Dec. 14, updates accountings that have appeared in The Times each Sunday since Sept. 11. The number of people unaccounted for, according to New York City officials, is now believed to be 444.

Edward L. Allegretto

Richard D. Allen

Sheila Patricia Barnes

Diane G. Barry

Michael J. Berkeley

Michael T. Carroll

James Marcell Cartier

Alejandro Castano

Joseph M. Giaconne

James A. Giberson

Liming “Michael” Gu

Robert T. “Bobby” Hughes

Zuhtu Ibis

Jake Denis Jagoda

Charles Gregory John

Hideya Kawauchi

Robert T. Lane

Michael Francis Lynch

Joseph Ross Marchbanks

Christine Sheila McNulty

Deepika Kumar Sattaluri

Gregory Thomas Saucedo

Dennis Scauso

Arthur Warren Scullin

Klaus Johannes Sprockamp

Ramon Suarez

David Tengelin

Francis Joseph Trombino

Ching Wang

Timothy Matthew Welty

David Terence Wooley

Mark Zangrilli


Compiled from lists provided by Associated Press and the coroner’s office of New York City.


This story has been edited to reflect a name change. The original published text of December 23, 2001 listed the name Ching Heui Wang. At the request of his daughter, this story has been edited to record the name he was actually known by in life, Ching Wang.
