
Mission Hotel

I am not sure where [reporter Kevin F.] Sherry acquired his information regarding the Mission Inn project [“Mission Hotel Project Changing,” Dec. 21], but the story printed is far from complete and appears one-sided.

The Albinger museum building itself may not be of historical or archeological significance, but the site on which it stands is. Not only were many artifacts recovered from there, but foundations of mission-related buildings are still there. As are the remains of the mission aqueduct.

To destroy archeological remains in order to build a structure designed to promote the very history those remains represent sounds like something from a Monty Python sketch. Too much of our history is represented by plaques describing what was there. It is time to preserve what still remains.


And it is time to write balanced articles. Did Mr. Sherry speak with anyone who did not have a financial stake in this? Did he even visit the site? The article comes across as more a promotional piece than anything else.

Chris Bates

