
Geo-Engineering and Submarines for Taiwan

Your July 15 front page carried a story that the Bush administration, having scrapped U.S. participation in the Kyoto Protocol, may now be looking for technological schemes to reduce global warming. Your story touched on the incredibly complex chain reactions and unknown side effects this “geo-engineering” (or managing carbon pollution) could cause. On the same front page, it was reported that the Bush administration promised diesel-powered subs to Taiwan that it cannot deliver.

This is a White House that cannot ascertain in advance a rather simple question of what military hardware it does or does not have. It is reckless for it to contemplate playing God with the environment. This administration, whether by malicious intent or wrongheaded idiocy, is pushing us to an environmental catastrophe.

Marshall Schubert

El Segundo


Is anyone in charge of the administration in Washington? After reading “U.S. Promised Subs to Taiwan it Doesn’t Have,” I felt you exposed the plot line to the next Adam Sandler movie.


Melvin R. Bloom

