
Meal Deliveries Give Seniors a Lift

* Re “With More Seniors, How to Pay for Meals” (March 5):

I am a Senior Care Volunteer who delivers meals to homes in South County.

I read that this program, which does so much good, is in danger of folding and is in fact already turning down all but the most desperate cases.

Having delivered meals for three years, I have learned how important this program is. These meals nourish not only their bodies but their minds and souls as well. The meals demonstrate to seniors that they are not forgotten, and, believe me, they do cherish these daily visits.

Recently, The Times ran a feature on the county supervisors’ decision to institute an advertising and promotion campaign for the El Toro airport plan.


Am I missing something? Advertising for an airport the majority of the voters don’t want is more important than life-support programs for senior residents such as home-delivered meals?

Supervisors, please, let’s get our priorities straight. Take my share of the airport money and allocate it to the Hot Meals Program.

No, I am not an anti-airport zealot, but I can tell right from wrong.


Dana Point

* You really did the meals program an injustice with your feature story. I have been delivering meals for about six years. I am a volunteer like all of the other retirees. And none of us has facial piercings [earrings] like the individual you depict in your story. Are you really trying to kill the program? Tell your reporter to visit Hoag Hospital any day around 11 a.m. and see.



Costa Mesa
