
Mahony Urges U.S. to Spare McVeigh

Cardinal Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles this week urged the federal government not to execute convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.

Mahony, who is chairman of the Domestic Policy Committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, said that although “nothing can diminish the horror” of McVeigh’s crime, or his responsibility for it, his execution “can only compound the violence.”

“It will not bring genuine healing or closure. It will not bring back to life those who died. It will be just one more killing,” Mahony said in a joint statement with Cardinal William Keeler of Baltimore. “McVeigh, on the other hand, apparently will get what he wants, more attention and notoriety.”


They added, “Some believe that Timothy McVeigh’s execution will serve justice. But how can more violence and killing--state-sanctioned or otherwise--service justice? With Timothy McVeigh’s execution we add to our culture of death.”

Last week, Pope John Paul II urged President Bush to spare McVeigh’s life. McVeigh is scheduled to die by injection May 16. It will be the first federal execution in 38 years.
