
They’re Such Good Friends

Last week, when the Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, rushed into Central Park South’s Atlas restaurant where a dinner was in progress for her former husband, Prince Andrew of Great Britain, she had just gotten off a plane from Des Moines. “I flew economy class,” said the tall, red-haired duchess, who has made her mark as a working woman for Weight Watchers. She rushed right into the arms of her ex, who gave her a big, affectionate greeting. These two young people, the parents of two little girls, are openly friendly. Though divorced, they coexist in London under one roof. . . .

Tom Hanks is making a film with Paul Newman. The title seems to be “Road to Perdition.” When the veteran Newman is asked whether he is retired, he says with a laugh: “Newman has been retiring ever since 1969, and you’ll believe it when you see it.” The “oldest race car driver,” now 76, is going strong. He did a 24-hour driving stint at Daytona in February, and his “Newman’s Own” food products have raised more than $200 million for charity. . . .

Another golden elder, Merv Griffin, has just released a CD titled “It’s Like a Dream.” This includes many sentimental favorites in the Merv tradition. Although this multimillionaire could live in his Moroccan palace near Palm Springs, he prefers his luxurious penthouse atop the Beverly Hilton Hotel. “I spent so many years traveling in bands. I feel comfortable living out of a hotel room.” Hotel room? Make that hotel suite!
