
Hey, You Can’t Talk About Us Like That!

Using Bill Plaschke’s May 9 analogy of the citizens from which a team’s support comes, does that mean that Laker fans should plan on leaving their Midnight Specials and thug regalia at home when traveling to Sacramento? Does it mean that we King fans have to look forward to hiring extra sanitation workers to clean up extra mounds of litter around the L.A. fans’ seats and hire security specialists to keep L.A. fans from covering our walls with spray paint and filth? Does it mean we can look forward to being mugged in Arco’s parking lot? Does it mean that we have to make sure to hold our noses when seated next to Laker fans, so that the reeking from too much cologne and too little sense doesn’t nauseate us? Does it mean that our concession workers have to dummy up and remember to use very short sentences for the egotistical, materialistic Laker fans that seem to adore those qualities in their players and journalists?

Or do we do what we do best? We’ll support our King players while ignoring the petty, egomaniacal and bully ways of those wearing overpriced, smudge-covered, rose-colored glasses if they think the Lakers (and Plaschke’s opinion) are something to be desired or envied. And, as the bumper sticker should say, “Welcome to Sacramento, and if you’re from L.A., go home.”

Margaret Peek



Watching Vince Carter and Allen Iverson hoist up 30-plus shots a game, one wonders how spectacular an already spectacular Kobe Bryant could be if afforded the same opportunity?


Peter Shaw

El Toro
