
Randlett King Lawrence, Echo Park

What’s the story behind your glass art?

I saw a blue bottle in the supermarket and put it in the sun in the windowsill. I had an epiphany and started putting them together. We have evolved to love that lazy “S” shape; it’s all over our bodies and in nature.

How do people respond to your yard?

They come from around the world: Finland, Japan, Scandinavia. I have no idea how they hear about it. Three college girls from Denmark have sent two different Danish couples here. Once at about 1 a.m., I heard the gate, and it was an older neighbor lady. She said, “You’re my hero!”

Why don’t more people have creative yards?

It’s a poverty of the soul and the imagination, and it’s not natural. The mental conformity of TV takes over people’s imaginations and they become convinced they don’t have any. It’s not true at all.


How would you decorate the White House lawn?

Elephants made of blue bottles.

Phillip and Gerri Schroth, Carthay Circle

What’s the story behind your deer?

Phillip: This deer was here when we bought the house in 1977. The man who sold us the house made us promise not to take it out.

What kind of reactions do you get?

Generations of parents take pictures of their children with the deer and say how they loved it when they were kids. Some people think it’s a park and want to eat lunch here. One man said his dog jumped out the car window to chase the deer.

Does the deer have a name?

We were told the little boy who lived here during the ‘50s called it Mitzi.

Has it brought you luck?

It hasn’t hurt.

How would you decorate the White House lawn?

Well, cherry blossoms come to mind, but I believe that’s been done.
