


Review of Wilson’s Ties

to El Toro Group Sought

A complaint to the state attorney general seeks a review of whether Supervisor Tom Wilson violated his oath of office by working with a group that sued the county over its plans to build a commercial airport at the closed El Toro Marine base.

Newport Beach attorney Richard Taylor, a leader of a pro-El Toro airport group, sent a 66-page complaint to Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer this week. Last month, Taylor filed a similar complaint with the Orange County Grand Jury. Taylor said he sought Lockyer’s review because the grand jury receives funding from supervisors, which could pose a conflict of interest.

Wilson has defended his actions as a nonvoting member of the anti-airport El Toro Reuse Planning Authority for the last five years and said he has never violated any county confidences. He said he has fought the county’s plans for an airport because most of his constituents oppose it.
