
44 Groups Urge Bush to Halt ‘Charitable Choice’

Religion News Service

Forty-four national groups concerned about religious and civil rights have sent a joint letter to President Bush asking him to postpone action on the “charitable choice” aspects of his faith-based initiative.

“While we applaud your recent efforts to unite and rally the nation and spur charitable giving to victims and communities, charitable choice is only a step backward toward divisiveness,” the groups wrote.

Bush would like to extend charitable choice legislation, passed in 1996, which has expanded opportunities for religious organizations to compete for governmental grants to help them provide social services.


But the groups writing to the president argued that charitable choice could lead to religious discrimination in employment and allow proselytization of those needing government assistance.

“Americans are united at this time of national crisis,” said the Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. “But that does not mean they are prepared to rubber-stamp every item on the president’s domestic agenda.”

Other groups signing the letter included the American Civil Liberties Union, Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs, Central Conference of American Rabbis and National Education Assn.
