
The Dead

Here is a list of those confirmed dead since Sept. 28 in the Sept. 11 hijackings and terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This list, released by the Defense Department and the New York City coroner’s office, updates accountings that have appeared in The Times each Sunday since the attacks. The number of those unaccounted for has fluctuated over the weeks because of names duplicated on lists compiled by rescue agencies. That number is now believed to be about 4,900.


Donna Bowen

Allen Boyle

Daniel M. Caballero

John J. Chada

Julian Cooper

Johnnie Doctor

Gerald P. Fisher

Brenda C. Gibson

Carolyn B. Halmon

Brenda Kegler

Samantha Lightbourn-Allen

Gerard P. Moran

Chin Sun Pak

Marian Serva

Don Simmons

Cheryle D. Sincock

Larry Strickland

Tamara Thurman

Willie Q. Troy

World Trade Center

Edelmiro Abad

Andrew A. Abate

Stephen Adams

Sophia B. Addo

John Andreacchio

Laura Angilletta

Lorraine D. Antigua

Faustino Apostol

Joshua Aron

Thomas J. Ashton

Eustace Bacchus

Colleen Ann Barkow

Inna Basina

Alysia Basmajian

Michael Beekman

William Bernstein

Joshua D. Birnbaum

Rita Blau

Bruce Boehm

Richard E. Bosco

Veronique Nicole Bowers

Alfred Braca

Michelle Renee Bratton

Mark Bruce

John E. Bulaga

Luigi Calvi

John A. Candela

Dennis Carey

Jeremy M. Carrington

Gregorio M. Chavez

Nestor Chevalier

Michael Clarke

Geoffrey W. Cloud

Michel P. Colbert

Margaret Mary Conner

Michelle Coyle-Eulau

John Robert Cruz

Kenneth John Cubas

Richard Joseph Cudina

Beverly Curry

Annette Andrea Dataram

Niurka Davila

Jayceryll M. Dechavez

Monique E. DeJesus

Martin Demeo

Carol K. Demitz

Jose Nicholas Depena

Michael Diaz-Piedra

Thomas Dowd

Samantha Egan

Anthony J. Fallone

Morton Frank

Andrew Fredericks

Grace Galante

Lourdes Galletti

Bruce Gary

Suzanne Geraty

Christopher S. Gray

Babita Guman

Douglas Gurian

Felicia Hamilton

John Heffernan

Thomas Hetzel

Timothy Higgins

Robert L. Horohoe

Frederick Ill

Alan K. Jensen

William Johnston

Peter R. Kellerman

Andrew Knox

Michael Laforte

Alexis Leduc

Yang Der Lee

Arnold A. Lim

Daniel L. Maher

Myrna Maldonado

Michael A. Marti

Charles M. Mathers

Thomas H. McGinnis

Dennis P. McHugh

Edmund M. McNally

Damian Meehan

Manuel Emilio Mejia

Shevonne Mentis

George Merino

Wilbert Miraille

Michael Montesi

Abner Morales

Richard Morgan

Cesar Augusto Murillo

Marc A. Murolo

Raymond E. Murphy

Gloria Nieves

Paul R. Nimbley

Jose R. Nunez

James A. Oakley

Edward K. Oliver

Manish K. Patel

Robert Parro

Patrice Paz

Stacey L. Peak

Angel Perez

John M. Pocher

Joshua Poptean

Kevin Prior

Everett M. Proctor

Robert D. Pugliese

Michael Quilty

Harry A. Raines

Amenia Rasool

Moises N. Rivas

Angela Rosario

Michael C. Rothberg

Rena Sam-Dinnoo

Kalyan K. Sarkar

Susan Sauer

Anthony Savas

Marisa Schorpp

Matthew C. Sellitto

Jayesh Shah

Kathryn Anne Shatzoff

Linda Sheehan

Thomas Sinton

Joseph M. Sisolak

Eric A. Stahlman

Larry Sumaya

Robert R. Talhami

Jennifer M. Tino

Michael Trinidad

Donald J. Tuzio

Santos Vasquez

Joanna Vidal

Patrick J. Waters

Michael H. Waye

James P. White

Cynthia Wilson

Michael R. Wittenstein

Rodney J. Wotten
