
Northridge Football Gets More Bad News

A Cal State Northridge advisory board that deals with athletics voted Tuesday night to accept an Oct. 1 report made by Athletic Director Dick Dull recommending the elimination of football.

The President’s Advisory Board of Intercollegiate Athletics, which consists of 14 faculty, alumni and student representatives, voted in favor of Dull’s recommendation in dealing with an expected $725,000 athletic department deficit by the end of the school year.

The breakdown of the vote is not known but among 12 members present, three voted against dropping football and at least three abstained..


About a dozen players attended the meeting and spoke emotionally to save the program. Matador Coach Jeff Kearin said he was disappointed with the vote.

“To me, this committee really has as much impact on me as if they had voted 12-0,” Kearin said.

Northridge President Jolene Koester said the board’s vote did not affect her decision on the 40-year program, which she reiterated she will make by Thanksgiving.


“I know that they are going to provide me with some additional advice and I will take that whole set of advice into account when I get it,” Koester said. “I also want to let other groups in the university and community know that I’m willing to listen to their point of view.”

Kearin thinks the program hasn’t been given a fair chance.

“They go to this committee and present this report and really no other side,” he said. “It’s like if the prosecution rested and the case was sent straight to the jury. The defense never had a chance to put their case on.

“It’s disheartening but I don’t think the fight has been had.”
