
Another Form of Terror in America

Regarding “Car Deaths Related to Alcohol Increase” (Oct. 1): Terrorism stalks all of us in the United States, though not in as dramatic a manner as that achieved by the crashing of the planes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Still, in another form of viable terrorism, more than 16,000 U.S. residents died in the United States in alcohol-related traffic deaths last year. And this was only a portion of those who died in automotive-related accidents.

Many deaths were caused by drivers in the throes of road rage. Many were killed by drivers who were recklessly speeding, and thousands died when Americans ran through red lights and stop signs.

The tough part is we can’t stereotype those drivers who created such terror on our streets. They aren’t of a particular race, religion, color or culture. The terrorists are us, stalking their victims around the next corner, striking from ground level.



Studio City
