
No Sympathy for Sara Jane Olson

I hope readers don’t waste much time sympathizing for Sara Jane Olson (“Unbroken,” by Twila Decker, Aug. 5). Whether or not she is found guilty of the crimes she is charged with, by her own admission she associated with and aided the murderous group of thugs known as the SLA. There is no doubt that she was aware of the group’s violent mission and the potential for innocent people to be hurt or killed. Nor can she blame her terrorist activities on youthful ignorance, as she was a grown woman in her late 20s at the height of her involvement. Her lack of remorse now makes the loyalty of her misguided supporters that much more impossible to comprehend. As a nation, it is imperative that we hold terrorists accountable for their actions--even those who know how to throw a good party.

Carol Sheahan

Thousand Oaks


I believe that most of us have had it up to here with these defiant crybabies who make themselves victims--and are not man or woman enough to face responsibility for their actions and accept the consequences.

Kathryn D. Fonteno

South Pasadena
