
High School May Limit Dances Due to Drinking

From Times Wire Reports

Drunk students at Eureka High School dances have forced Principal Bob Embertson to take a drastic step--limiting the number of such events next year.

Embertson recently wrote to parents, urging them to talk with their children about the increasing alcohol problem at school.

The drinking probably will mean only the junior and senior proms will be held next year, rather than the five or six dances of previous years, he said.


“You see everything,” Embertson said. “The funny drunk, the morose drunk, the sick drunk and the ugly drunk.”

At the March 8 Sadie Hawkins dance, about a third of students given a breathalyzer test were found to have been drinking, he said, and almost all were over the 0.08% blood-alcohol level, the California legal limit for driving.

Embertson said alcohol has always been a problem, but it has gotten much worse this past year.
