
Innovative New Airport Terminal in Detroit

Detroit today was scheduled to open an innovative, $1.2-billion airport terminal that serves as Northwest Airlines’ biggest hub.

The Edward H. McNamara Terminal claims to be the only airport with an elevated, enclosed tram in the terminal; it runs the mile-long length of the concourse. Eventually 80 restaurants and shops, including the Motown Music Review and gift shops for General Motors and the Henry Ford Museum, will be located there; about 65 were expected to be open by today.

Adjusting to security concerns after Sept. 11, the terminal was redesigned with 21 security checkpoints, 40% more than planned.


Other expansions include 106 ticket counters versus 64 in the old terminal, about a mile away, and 90 electronic ticketing machines, triple the number in the old terminal. In a bid to speed luggage processing, there will be 24 curbside check-in positions (more than three times as many as in the old terminal) and 18 luggage carousels versus eight in the old terminal.

At first only Northwest, Continental and KLM will be at the new terminal. Eventually it is expected to handle 80% to 90% of the airport’s traffic, a spokesman said. For more information visit
