
Taking the Measure of 21st Century Terrorism

Resolutions for 2002: Face up to the fact that this is not a war. Our “war” is not a standard war but a police action. Terrorist strikes must be met by police actions in all nations, permanently. The word “war” is being used to disguise political changes at the expense of health, education and civil rights. The inaccurate use of “war” is a semantic scam.

If terrorism is the killing of innocents, we first must admit our past role in Germany, Japan, Vietnam, Latin America, the Middle East and other regions. The U.S. must be an honest nation.

We must go to the U.N. and help strengthen police actions against terrorism. We must demand justice for all in national and international courts.


Walter Kearns

Woodland Hills


Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda and other Muslim extremists are not fighting the United States or Israel. They are fighting the 21st century.

And though they might win a few battles along the way, mark my words, the 21st century will prevail.

Tom Schiff

Woodland Hills
