
Teens Who Care

We are the co-presidents of the Amnesty International branch at Milken Community High School in Los Angeles, and after reading “Amnesty’s New Cause” (by Dana Calvo, Jan. 6), we felt we had to respond.

The article discussed how the youth of America “seemed to care more about Napster than the plight of women and children smothered by the Taliban.”

Our high school chapter has more than 50 members out of the roughly 500 students at our school, and we are deeply committed to the cause of human rights. Every Wednesday during lunch, we use Urgent Action appeals from the Amnesty Web site to write letters to world leaders demanding the release of specific prisoners.


Last year we wrote to President Vicente Fox of Mexico on behalf of two imprisoned Mexican environmentalists, and this year they were freed.

It’s stories like that which keep our members coming back and spark the interest of other teenagers who realize they can truly affect foreign policy.



Los Angeles
