
O.C. Legislators Should Vote for What Is Right

Re “State Budget Is Test for O.C. Legislators,” Orange County Commentary, July 7:

In discussing Orange County legislators and the state budget, Steven B. Frates writes: “The question is whether any member of the Orange County delegation has the requisite political skill and leadership ability.”

Is Frates suggesting that the Orange County delegation will be pressured into voting for something that is not right because of the urgings of more political skillful members of the Legislature?

Nonsense. They can vote on the budget, can’t they? And they can vote for what is right, not “politically” expedient, can’t they?


When I run out of money I stop spending and using credit cards. Unfortunately, our Legislature, as embodied by Senate Majority Leader John Burton (D-San Francisco), doesn’t seem to have grasped that concept. More taxes is always their answer. With their perks they don’t have to worry about taxes.

Burl Estes

Mission Viejo
