
A Fan and Foe of U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee

As a former Bay Area resident, I applaud your publication of Gary Rivlin’s article on U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee (‘Looking-Glass Politics,’ June 16). A representative’s job is just that-to represent his or her district. Lee does that without compromise. All districts should be so lucky to be listened to as intently as she listens to hers.

Rose Reis-Jackson

Via the Internet


Rivlin’s piece paints a picture of a deeply disturbed and deluded woman in symbiosis with a deeply disturbed and deluded community, the 9th Congressional District. To use the term ‘anti-American’ to describe Lee and her constituents is to employ a misnomer, for both are probably too ideologically ill to recognize the treasonous nature of her position on the 9/11 attacks. The terms ‘dissent’ or ‘protest’ also do not capture the mind-set of Lee and her supporters, for there is nothing earnest or loyal in her opposition to military measures against Al Qaeda and the Taliban or other groups that would seek to unleash terror on the U.S.

Nicholas Eric Spinner

West Hollywood
